07862 229882

07862 229882

Settlement Applications

Make the relevant application to settle in the UK. After residing in the UK there may be a possibility of applying for settlement. You may either be in the UK as a spouse with limited leave to remain under Appendix FM and after completing your leave you could qualify for settlement on the basis of your marriage or partnership.

There may be circumstances where your marriage has broken down due to domestic violence, however, do not worry as you could qualify for settlement on the basis of Domestic Violence.

You may have been in the UK with legal residency for 10 continuous years and could be in a position to apply for settlement based on your long residency.

There are many possibilities for settling in the UK however without asking the question you may be living in uncertainty, so don’t continue worrying and pick up the phone and contact our office for further discussion.

  • SET M (Marriage)
  • SET O (Other reasons)
  • SET DV (Domestic Violence)
  • SET LR (Long Residency)
  • Settlement as a Bereaved Partner